
The Library and Information Centre, is headed by a qualified librarian as per OU Regulations. The Library is geared up with updated equipments to meet the academic needs of the faculty as well as the students.
The Library has been established since the inception of the college in the year 2008. The Library has varied collection Titles in all the disciplines like Finance, Marketing & HR together with, Dissertation/Projects, Research Papers and articles spanning over the last ten years. The library has also subscription for various National & International Journal with an On-line access to e-Journals via DelNET. Daily Business news paper and National Dairies are also available to keep the student and staff updated
Further, the library provides Net based service to the students and faculty, with 10 systems having Wi-Fi enabled high speed Internet facility at side of the entrance of the text book section in the main hall of the library, exclusively for the borrowers.

In the Library, Digital Library was established with 10 computers with high speed Internet connection, Wi-Fi enabled. Digital has many forms and meanings in today advancement in terms of Information, Knowledge sharing data security. All the Non-Book Materials (E-Resources) online journals, Scanned Documents can be stored in the Digital format through Internet cabin. Anyone can access Information about online process in Digital Library.